Wednesday 28 February 2018

Art Humor!!!

Recently a guy in Paris nearly got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre.
However, after planning the crime, breaking in, evading security, getting out and escaping with the goods, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.

When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: "I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."

Monet: Cliff Walk at Pourville | The Art Institute of Chicago

Friday 19 January 2018

More on Panbesy, Garbaslim & Vitamin D Jab: for weight loss

Sorry didn't have time to elaborate on the effects of these 3 MUST for weight lose, in the last post

So here it is:

Panbesy : I ask Maisie for a week's supply of panbesy to try. Effects was really bad for me. My heart beats so fast, & I wasn't even doing anything- just sitting around. I totally lost my appetite, as in, I don't even feel like eating at all. I almost went through the whole day without food, yet I don't feel hungry! No wonder I develop a headache. Within the first day I dropped 1 kg. Then I return the remaining 6 panbesy back to Maisie. I decide to just rely on the fat burner Garbaslim & Vitamin D jab. Panbesy is too tough for me. Surprisingly Maisie's reaction to panbesy is like a total opposite to mine. She just felt dryness of mouth & some fast heart beats initially. After a few days even these symptoms wear of. Yet she lost like 7 kg within 2 months!

Garbaslim is wonderful! It actually kinda of detox my system! After I take it for the first time, the next morning my constipation was cured! By the second day my small tummy is flattened !!! Amazing ... I love it.

Vitamin D Jab: the benefits for Vitamin D is plenty. And the lack of it is one of the main reasons for obesity! Scary. So glad I did the jab with Dr Keith.

Garbaslim, it's seriously effective for weight loss!!!!

Thursday 11 January 2018

Review of Panbesy, Garbaslim fat burner & Vitamin D jab for weight loss.

The last time I was at Dr Keith's clinic, besides doing the whitening injections (which I love) Maisie my friend did get something else from him.

She has put on much weight since her first child. Before she was like me - kinda willowy (Now I'm not either ....sigh.... ) Anyway, since we were there at Parsons Clinic & Dr Keith was in front of us, Maisie just blurted out :" Can I have some slimming pills?" I didn't expect that. But was secretly please she ask anyways, as I too think I should lose some weight.

Then Dr Keith started giving us some interesting tips. E.g.
1) Don't drink water when you are not thirsty. Bingo! we do that all the time, no wonder, now we have serious water retention.
2) If you have to drink soft drinks, Advisable to replace them with isotonic drinks
3) Cut down on spicy food, as it increases the appetite.
4) Replace fruits with vegetables for fiber. Fruits are too sweet (don't eat them if you serious about weight loss)

Maisie was given panbesy (2 months), GarbaSlim, a popular fat burner ( 3 months) & she decided to take the Vitamin D jab. Because she wanted faster results, Vitamin D jab will help her body increase it's own metabolism. I didn't know that! Interesting right? Went home to google (lots of info about the benefits of Vit D)  & I was very glad I took that too ! 
Oh... I bought the fat burner Garbaslim as well.

That's like 2 months back. Maisie has lost 7 kg!!!! Though she's not back to her willowy self yet, she's looking very good now. She's going back to Dr Keith for more supplies ....haha...

  As for myself: I've lost 4 kg & I took Garbaslim & Vitamin D jab only.
That's not bad right?
 How I look?
What you think?
Very Good of course 💓

Sunday 7 January 2018

The most expensive painting sold in 2017: Salvator Mundi, by Leonardo da Vinci (c. 1500)

Known as “The Last da Vinci,” this painting is one of 16 paintings by Leonardo that is still in existence today, and the last known work still in a private collection. This sale smashed the record for the most expensive piece of art ever sold – making history. The last remaining record was held at $300 million, privately sold. Before the sale, art appreciators from around the world lined up for viewings held in Hong Kong, London, San Francisco, and New York, to catch a glimpse at the rediscovered Da Vinci painting.

The bidding for this painting went on for 20 minutes – jumping by 20, then 30 million each bid. The buyer has now been revealed to be Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Meanwhile, the art community still recovers from shock.

Such a bidding war has art buyers wringing their hands over the future economics of art dealings. Forecasting has put the first $1 billion painting to be sold in 2030 with the current trendline! 

Nice Huh ???
Another interesting painting sold 2017 was   Andy Warhol (1986) Sixty Last Suppers for $63.3 million!!!

Saturday 18 November 2017

Whitening Injections with Dr Keith Ong @ Parsons Singapore !!!

My friend told me about the 'famous whitening injections" she read at some blogs. I check the blogs out & decide to try it. You know, I'm the kind that's interested in anything whitening. Also I do know the clinic & doctor (Dr Keith Ong ) quite well. I went there for other facial & Vitamin C procedures before, but that's some time already.

To be honest, I'm the fair sort. But I'm into my 30's now. So on close scrutiny, I see tiny lines on my face (stress) & I also wanted the dewy look. Apparently these whitening jabs, help with all that, that is besides whitening as well. Not bad right?

I went with my friend, booked the appointment on a Saturday. When I stepped into the room, Dr Keith immediately remember me, so nice (I've not seen him for about 4 years). We do a tiny bit of catch-up & after that he explained what this whitening jab is all about & what it can do. Long story short : it'll be great for whitening, eliminate tiny lines like mine also it'll make my face look smaller! So what am I waiting for?

The procedure: Nurse apply numbing cream on my face. Let it rest for like 10 mins. Dr Keith started 'doing' these micro jabs on my whole face, he's really fast. No pain, just feel a bit nervous as it's many tiny jabs. After about another 10 mins, it's my friend's turn.

When it's over, we decided to go home. As it's very sunny outside. Now 2 weeks later, the results is better than I hoped for. My face seems smaller, smooth & fairer. Not Bad at all. My friend's results is more obvious as her skin condition wasn't very good to begin with. She's very happy!!!

Ohh... the whitening jabs is only $600-

For those of you who are interested, Dr Keith Ong is @.

Address: 360 Orchard, International Building
Tel;  8777-0736, 9746-7720
Opening hrs:
Mon & Fri  from 10 am to 1pm, 3pm to 8pm
Tue, Wed  from 3pm to 8pm

Sat from 9am to 1pm

His Yishun clinic is @ Tel; 64846010, 8777-0736, 9746-7720
779 yishun ave 2, #01-1541
Opening hrs:
Tues,Wed : 9am to 1pm

Thurs : 3pm to 8pm

Monday 30 October 2017

Konstantin Lupanov , young talented artist from Russian

This young and incredibly talented artist from Krasnodar , Russia, calls his paintings “fun and irresponsible garbage.” Konstantin Lupanov paints what he loves. The primary subjects of his paintings are his friends, acquaintances, relatives, and his beloved cat, Philip. The simpler the subject, says the artist, the truer the painting. Isn't that awesome ???

Friday 6 October 2017

The Bothersome Dragonflies by Stanislav Plutenko

Stanislav Plutenko’s creative motto is: “To see the unusual and to do the unusual.” This Moscow artist uses a unique technique, combining tempera, acrylic, watercolor, and a very thin glaze applied by airbrush. Stanislav Plutenko has been rated among the top 1000 surrealists of all time.

I really like the above painting , it's so whimsical !