Thursday 11 January 2018

Review of Panbesy, Garbaslim fat burner & Vitamin D jab for weight loss.

The last time I was at Dr Keith's clinic, besides doing the whitening injections (which I love) Maisie my friend did get something else from him.

She has put on much weight since her first child. Before she was like me - kinda willowy (Now I'm not either ....sigh.... ) Anyway, since we were there at Parsons Clinic & Dr Keith was in front of us, Maisie just blurted out :" Can I have some slimming pills?" I didn't expect that. But was secretly please she ask anyways, as I too think I should lose some weight.

Then Dr Keith started giving us some interesting tips. E.g.
1) Don't drink water when you are not thirsty. Bingo! we do that all the time, no wonder, now we have serious water retention.
2) If you have to drink soft drinks, Advisable to replace them with isotonic drinks
3) Cut down on spicy food, as it increases the appetite.
4) Replace fruits with vegetables for fiber. Fruits are too sweet (don't eat them if you serious about weight loss)

Maisie was given panbesy (2 months), GarbaSlim, a popular fat burner ( 3 months) & she decided to take the Vitamin D jab. Because she wanted faster results, Vitamin D jab will help her body increase it's own metabolism. I didn't know that! Interesting right? Went home to google (lots of info about the benefits of Vit D)  & I was very glad I took that too ! 
Oh... I bought the fat burner Garbaslim as well.

That's like 2 months back. Maisie has lost 7 kg!!!! Though she's not back to her willowy self yet, she's looking very good now. She's going back to Dr Keith for more supplies ....haha...

  As for myself: I've lost 4 kg & I took Garbaslim & Vitamin D jab only.
That's not bad right?
 How I look?
What you think?
Very Good of course 💓


  1. Hi Is clinic open during lockdown ? I've gotten so fat, lately staying home eating all the junk food & watching TV :((

    1. Yes it's open, thank God

    2. Call them
      Tel; 8777-0736, 9746-7720

  2. Hi y'all , I gain so much weight during the lock down , now I wanna lose it! Help!!! So panbesy will help? How long will it take to lose 5kg ? Any input will be appreciated !!! Hope I'm not spamming, send this message to so many blogs
