Friday 21 September 2012

Renoir found in flea market

I cant believe when I saw this news a few days ago. Someone actually bought a painting by French Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir at a flea market in Virginia! It will be autioned soon & expected to sell for US$75,000.00 to US$100,000.00.

It's a very small painting only 14 cm by 23 cm, was in a bin with other things when this lady bought it. She prefers to be anonymous. haha.... that's smart huh... can you imagine the friends & relatives that might  come by the dozens when they find out about this good fortune. She was about to destroy it but her mother spotted the name Renoir on the canvas, so they went to an expert to get it appraised. They were able to trace the painting back to an American collector who purchased it in 1920 something from an popular gallery in France .

Now I see why so many people love these flea markets. You never know, you might just find that gem amonsgt the