Friday 16 December 2016

Christmas !!! Christmas fun Art

Since Christmas is just a few days away, I thought of posting some unusual artworks on the subject. Have been looking around & see what I found !

Arturo Rodríguez made this Van Gogh-inspired card for Helen L. Kohen, ca. 1980-1999. 
From Handmade Holiday Cards from 20th-Century Artists.

 Father Christmas joins in with a game of poker with the dogs in Coolidge's A Friend In Need
 Santa takes center stage together with some Christmas lights in Claude Monet's 1899 classic the Japanese Footbridge

Cute isn't it ? Merry Christmas all.

Friday 23 September 2016

Art is Simple, dont over think, Just do it !

You don't even need any 'artistic talents'! I'm serious. All you need is some interest. Sketching or drawing is about observation, about dismantling what you are looking at, into lines, curves that make it up, & then translating or recording them on paper.

That's how most things work right? A Mozart Classical piece? it starts with a single note. Cantonese cooking? All you need is a step by step recipe & a wok!

Sketching or drawing works the same way. Everything you want to sketch is made up of lines &
curves. And you don't even need a perfect straight line or a perfect circle or curves. You don't need to learn to draw lines & curves, any more than you need a lesson on how to boil water or put on your clothes right? It's a combination of those parts (lines & curves) that makes the idea of sketching a little challenging yet most satisfying. Just a little challenging, definitely doable no matter who you are. All you need is to change your thinking. Art is not about perfection, we are not drawing up a blue print for a building, we are not trying to be an architect or engineer.

If you look at children's art, you'll see what I mean. Most of them are just so endearing & charming right? Get what I mean?

Monday 19 September 2016

Ben Rubin's awesome Subway Doodle

Have you ever heard of Ben Rubin? Well you might not, but you will soon ! Since I chanced upon his work, I know I just have to add them in my blog. They are seriously fun & creatively ! Ben Rubin creatively integrates cartoon characters into normal subway scenes he saw on his way to & fro work on the subway in New York City. Below are some of my favorite from his work entitled Subway Doodle. Hope you enjoy !

Thursday 8 September 2016

More paintings by Celebrities

After I put up Johnny Depps painting, many of my friends were intrigued:) They didn't know he could paint that well! It got them quite curious. They were wondering, who other celebrities do it? Well here are more:
This beautiful painting of a dog is painted by the 43rd president of the America , George W Bush! Not bad right? In fact he has painted like 50 of them:)

Above watercolor landscape is done by Prince of Wales, Prince Charles. It's really pretty good. 

The above is by non-other than Paul McCartney. I think people could pay serious money for this eventually, not because he's part of Beatles but because it's really GOOD.
Well hope these has inspired you somewhat.

Saturday 11 June 2016

My Trip to Paris - the Lourve & Musee d' Orsay

Finally I've some time to blog about my Trip to Paris. My first stop is no surprise -the Louvre. Do you know it used to be a fortress, back in the 12th century. And then it was just a place for King Louis XIV to keep royal art. Well that's what I read in one brochure. I looked around & try to imagine the place back then, a few nobles & curly wigs wandering leisurely among the statues. Now it's mobbed with tourists with backpacks, cameras & hand-phones all there to see some of the most famous paintings & sculptures in the world.

The first one I recognized was Venus de milo. Heard she originally had arms but they broke it off! Winged Victory of Samothrace is missing a head. Piage who was with me commented that, that must be worse than not having arms ... we silently laughed ! We make our way to the Mona Lisa, which is surprisingly tiny for such a famous portrait.

Then its on to the Musee d' Orsay, a former train station that is now home to lots of paintings by legendary impressionists. We found Monet's famous water lilies. I imagine diving into the cool, light dappled water. I think it's interesting that Monet had a Japanese garden. Piage said we have something in common as we take Japanese food all the time Very little people know that he was going blind, that's probably why his paintings are so blurry. He saw the world differently & yet his unique vision made things beautiful.

We study his blossoms for a while , then move on to Dega's ballerinas. Piage didn't like the ballerinas too much. She said they reminded her of things she could never do with her chubby We spent hours looking at all these beautiful Art. Felt so reluctant when it's time to go.

Musee d' Orsay

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Why do people paint? Why make ART ?

Why do people paint? Why make ART ?

People ask me that, all the time since I started this blog. I'm no expert but Isn't it obvious? Some talented people make money from it, most others just do it for fun. And Art does kinda engages you & stops time. Most of us live in a virtual world these days. But when you paint or sketch what's around, you see it for what it is.You'll be present right there, right now in the real world. Instead of day dreaming of all kinds of nonsense like we usually do, you'll be able to stop, clear the mind & just be. It's almost spiritual & you don't need advice from some big time guru. Or pay money to go to some far away exotic meditation retreat. Just a sketch book & a pencil will do.

Like a written diary, through art, you could also be recording your life. A small sketch in your sketchbook transform those everyday moments into something significant. What you eat for breakfast, the view outside your window, your beloved pet or even your own selfie! Your sketches will give you perspective on what really matters. You'll never be bored again. Waiting for something be it for the bus, mrt or your dentist, in between commercial breaks when watching lousy TV programs, taking a 3hour flight to Hong Kong- sketch something. Make these 'lost' moments count. Make it more interesting & worthwhile. Overtime you will build up a book of memories, a true record of what truly went on in your life.

Now isn't that cool?

Thursday 11 February 2016

May everyone have a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year

Nice image right? My friend did a copy of this image & put it up in his home. It's so festive & beautiful, thought I share it with you.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Johnny Depp the Artist

Since I last wrote about Sylvester Stallone's art, my friends have been asking me which other "unlikely" celebrities are painters too. Well here's one very famous one Johnny Depp: & he's really very good !

Painting of a mentor & good friend to him: the late Marlon Brando