Saturday 11 June 2016

My Trip to Paris - the Lourve & Musee d' Orsay

Finally I've some time to blog about my Trip to Paris. My first stop is no surprise -the Louvre. Do you know it used to be a fortress, back in the 12th century. And then it was just a place for King Louis XIV to keep royal art. Well that's what I read in one brochure. I looked around & try to imagine the place back then, a few nobles & curly wigs wandering leisurely among the statues. Now it's mobbed with tourists with backpacks, cameras & hand-phones all there to see some of the most famous paintings & sculptures in the world.

The first one I recognized was Venus de milo. Heard she originally had arms but they broke it off! Winged Victory of Samothrace is missing a head. Piage who was with me commented that, that must be worse than not having arms ... we silently laughed ! We make our way to the Mona Lisa, which is surprisingly tiny for such a famous portrait.

Then its on to the Musee d' Orsay, a former train station that is now home to lots of paintings by legendary impressionists. We found Monet's famous water lilies. I imagine diving into the cool, light dappled water. I think it's interesting that Monet had a Japanese garden. Piage said we have something in common as we take Japanese food all the time Very little people know that he was going blind, that's probably why his paintings are so blurry. He saw the world differently & yet his unique vision made things beautiful.

We study his blossoms for a while , then move on to Dega's ballerinas. Piage didn't like the ballerinas too much. She said they reminded her of things she could never do with her chubby We spent hours looking at all these beautiful Art. Felt so reluctant when it's time to go.

Musee d' Orsay

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