Wednesday 2 March 2016

Why do people paint? Why make ART ?

Why do people paint? Why make ART ?

People ask me that, all the time since I started this blog. I'm no expert but Isn't it obvious? Some talented people make money from it, most others just do it for fun. And Art does kinda engages you & stops time. Most of us live in a virtual world these days. But when you paint or sketch what's around, you see it for what it is.You'll be present right there, right now in the real world. Instead of day dreaming of all kinds of nonsense like we usually do, you'll be able to stop, clear the mind & just be. It's almost spiritual & you don't need advice from some big time guru. Or pay money to go to some far away exotic meditation retreat. Just a sketch book & a pencil will do.

Like a written diary, through art, you could also be recording your life. A small sketch in your sketchbook transform those everyday moments into something significant. What you eat for breakfast, the view outside your window, your beloved pet or even your own selfie! Your sketches will give you perspective on what really matters. You'll never be bored again. Waiting for something be it for the bus, mrt or your dentist, in between commercial breaks when watching lousy TV programs, taking a 3hour flight to Hong Kong- sketch something. Make these 'lost' moments count. Make it more interesting & worthwhile. Overtime you will build up a book of memories, a true record of what truly went on in your life.

Now isn't that cool?

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